
Balthier from FF12 was in his 20’s and was supposed to be the lead until a last minute marketing change to Vaan. Probably one of the more likeable main chars in a FF

theres already a handful of 50” 4K TVs for under $500.... i would imagine them hitting $300 for Black Friday... if thats not mass market pricing, i dont know what is

TN panel at only 60Hz? so you get none of the advantages of TN and all of the disadvantages....

TN panel at only 60Hz? so you get none of the advantages of TN and all of the disadvantages....

did they get the mayors 13 yr old kid to design the schematics?

with that definition, cant you just drop a guy on a bike from an airplane and say thats the record?

google is officially skynet... apple has no chance

you just described every 23-30 year old young professional

i used to poop once or twice a week until i hit college, since then i poop twice a day like clockwork. im guessing all the alcohol in my system flipped a switch in the gut

people will still buy it... so it doesnt really matter

ok well add lytro’s tech to the mix

they spent $100 million on designing the perfect controller and already needs an update....

i wonder if sensor tech will ever get to a point where you can just leave it at f/11, 1/1000sec, ISO12800 and take all photos with a 60shot burst all with good quality... then you just add DoF and motion blur in post process

you have to realize that MEDIUM on a 770 probably still looks much better than whatever the ps4/xb1 is putting out for the same game... the ceiling got higher but you are getting the same performance you paid for back then

jetpack mod is all we need

wow that looks terrible

its fun until the aholes from LoL move over

as someone who attended my own high school, undergrad, and grad school graduation ceremonies... i regret attending all of them... HUGE waste of time... most people only remember a joke from the guest speech or the hot chick 3 seats down, nothing else

these bs office politics is why i am glad i own my own business

i remember back in the MLG days, lots of quake and cs players used to play on all LOW settings with shaders disabled for the same reason

its not the comfort on my skin per say i dont like... its that i have to always worry about getting it dirty or scratched as opposed to jeans and tee which i dont think twice about getting dirty