

no you wouldnt, you can say that now from your current position... but with a million dollar trust fund in your face, im sure the tune would change

i think its a side effect of the additional heat... not because of the wireless itself.... my G3 gets about twice as hot when wireless charging vs microUSB... although i could care less since a new battery is $20

One of the reasons I love my phone (LG G3) is the IT Blaster.. between the Universal Remote app and the various provider specific remote-apps (fireTV, roku, etc) to even my Nest app for my AC, my phone controls EVERYTHING... I always have my phone on me so it is automatically more convenient to use than any other

how do they brute force crack the pw when most logins have brute resisting features like a time out or captcha?

you are assuming that people are logical creatures....

IMHO... 10% of ALL PEOPLE are good... 10% are bad... and 80% clock in/out.. applies to cops, black citizens, white citizens, doctors, lawyers, bloggers...

baghahahhaha... ummmm NO

Where’s “Cidney’s assets” on this chart?

techno samurai vader... wow

only thing scratch proof is diamond.. but its not shatter proof... there is no known substance that is both shatter and scratch proof

yep, this reaffirms my decision to sell my PS4 copy of the game (got it as a gift) while it was still high value

i trust the driving of this AI over 90% of the "real people" on the road today

food to a homeless person is a neccesity of life... NO ONE, NO ONE NEEDS A PS4 for anything but entertainment purposes... this video provides the same need for some people as a PS4, pure entertainment value

i know 2 guys with audi TT's and both change their oil religiously every 5k miles... and they BOTH have issues and need to be in the shop ALL THE TIME... how is this TT running with a single 80k oil change?

sometimes a broken heart is the best lesson

thats what i dont get, this need to defend a brand.... nintendo could give less than 2 craps about you or me. who cares if some guy on the internet is putting down the brand of a profit driven corporation just because i gave them my money

I sure am glad i have both a Wii U and PS4 and get to play the exclusives of both instead of wasting time putting down other's purchased decisions

a sucker born every minute.. with that said.. all the people buying amiibos are in the same boat

yeah i kept on wishing for some crazy plot twists or riveting back story like in Xenogears... nope nothing!