Jake Gittes

I think that you have missed my point entirely.

Cold Sunday afternoon.


I host catered parties in hotel suites. (No no, seriously, it’s not douchie. Try it, it’s really not nearly as expensive as you might think at all. Just hide your bottles as you bring them up otherwise the guest services might jack you with a corkage charge.) Also, yep, the hotel does all the cleanup.

‘How to politely ask a fucking loudmouth asswipe to be more quiet’.


Aunt Alma used bulk peanut oil from a jug, a large bag of super clean unpeeled russets grated and ‘forearm building’ cheese clothed (our job), a whole bag of finely chopped Vidalia onions, matzo with a copper measure full of Dr. Oetker baking powder (maybe 3 tablespoons). A box salt grinder crunching WAY more salt

This is total horse pucky A.A.

One year of 1gb ram 20 gb SSD 100mbps pipe ‘Virtual Private Server’. $19.

We just buy the first one. Then surreptitiously & nonchalantly bring out the matching miniatures (aka ‘nips’) as required.

After 40 years of living and hovering everywhere the fuckall of everywhere in Asia in one decade or another.

When I was 15, a shit-hell-of-a-long-time-ago.

Sotheby’s knew everything about the performance before it happened.

NO. This won’t do shit to provide any measure of payback.

When in the US I usually like to have lox & bagel room service with the works inc. a carafe of coffee for breakfast. I do straight +15% signed on the bill, then always give the server/delivery person a $Sawbuck or an Andy.

Yeah, I had to stop doing “The Dude” floating up the bowling alley face.

What’s a headphone jack?

I absolutely and totally disagree.

Driving bravery is very subjective. Bali is relatively easy. (Seriously.Not trying to go off in a douchie direction here.)

An example pic of the ‘Terracotta Soldiers & Horses’ hall in Xi’An on a sunny November afternoon 2017. If you look closely you can see the Chinese bus tour on the other side. When they all left, following the tour guide flag bearers out, I was completely alone in that enormous hall until they closed. Two hours by