
This story is only reported by The Root and Factmag... it should mean something., when will you be posting your solo vid?

If they gave it another year before release, I wonder how it would have been received. The incremental improvements were tremendous.

I liked Enslaved a lot, but I’m not interested in permadeath (or over-the-top challenge in general) in games. Sadly this sounds like a pass.

I’m terribly amused by Kripp’s attitude in this video. He comes off as the conspiracy theorist who has just miraculously been vindicated and is whispering into the mirror ‘I was right, I knew I was right all along!’

Battleborn was not a shitty rip-off though. People only thought it was.

What gets me is that I understand locking you in the room because you’re tired. You’ve had a BIG DAY. But...surely you could at least make some lockpicks or watch a DVD to unwind while you’re in there...

Don’tcha just love how “SJW bullshit” just means “game includes women/POC/LGBT and treat them like humans”?

Eh, you also have throws, unique dodge, block, general attacks, attack range, and combo options based on the class you pick. It was made for a gamepad though.

Can someone explain to me where this hatred towards this team is coming from? The Warriors play an aesthetically fun style of basketball that requires constant motion and gets everybody on the team involved. This is a team that has turned JaVale McGee from a misfit basketball player into a genuine asset that

It looked to me like Jefferson committed two fouls on that play, stepping on Durant’s foot to trip him and shoving his back to send him to the floor. Durant should have had free throws.

God damn do I love me some Destiny. I consume the content so fast because I genuinely love playing this game.

I actually think the people who complain the loudest about the lack of content are people who don’t actually play Destiny. Those of us who are grinding this week are doing it because we love the game and want to be raid ready ASAP.

I’m sure the only 5 other people playing Battleborn will be elated to hear this.

What a fucking reductionist argument: unless you are being actively oppressed, you can not complain about oppression. I’m as white as white gets and I have the right and obligation to protest when I see injustice, even when that injustice is directed against others. Finebaum’s logic is why the Nazi’s got away with the

The older I get, the more I realize that things are fucked up because older people are allowed to be in charge and have a say in things. Hearing Finebaum say this is about as surprising to me as hearing someone’s grandma wax poetic about when everything was still segregated.

That’s weird because we clearly both go to kotaku and they spoil stuff all the time. Granted, not everyone sees the same things as spoilers.

Wow. These people are frighteningly out of touch.

This was possibly the least convincing positive review I’ve ever read. “Incredibly condensed” story, “thin” characters, “non-entity” villain, “no tension”, and “the proton packs seem to have a bigger arc than many of the characters”.