
And you wonder why we fight each other on each side of the arguing when stuff like this happens. I remember it well, people defending the black guy, others blaming him then the story of how he tried to get the gun emerged, everyone calling the side defending the guy a bunch of worthless morons. Then when its all

Maybe you lost money because you dont know how the world works? You should hire some of those asian crying ladies, they might be the only one crying for you.

You are having a conversation with yourself as no one else will ever agree with you. Just that should tell you something.

Prettyobvious? More like Prettyoblivious (not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.)

On a long enough period of time, the probability of human surviving side by side with these weapons slowly approach zero.

Its been more than a year without any kind of news on the game. Getting thirsty to say the least. I want to see the rest of the cast’s design so bad!