
Never trust an FCA Italian product, ever.

This is a joke, right?

Bring back the S-3 and A-6.

We already have the America-class carriers/LHAs.

Just navalize the F-15. Problem solved?

You must always consider the closing envelope with any missile fired at long-range, not just Phoenixes and AMRAAMs.

Iraq had the most heavily defended airspace in the world when Desert Storm broke out.

I’m afraid I don’t understand this meme’s context regarding what I typed.

You’re barking like mad-dog.

Armored Core looks nothing like a Metal Gear. These drawings look nothing like Battletech mechs.

Ah yes, the spectacular German engineering of Audi timing chains at the rear of the engine with plastic tensioners.

It’s the French Tickler!

You like that he copied Metal Gear’s design palette?

Why wouldn’t it be able to get groceries?

That has a very high probability, too.

Not true.


Fucking-A. She wasn’t even at the DNC to accept the nomination.

Everyone gets Medicare. You mean Medicaid.