

So were not the only idiots that hire these people

Back to Torrents I guess.

By expanding in NYC they can ruin three areas at once! There already is talk of real estate and rents going up.

I am so happy that they picked two depressed areas to build their new HQ, god know they can use the economic help (read sarcasm)

So all that extra weight on the stock drivetrain? We are talking what 8 mpg if your lucky?

%th gear ...Well self driving cars dont have ignition keys, so that’s something

It sometimes happens that sons sadly pre-decease mothers. Are we forgetting this?

So the police car was made by Hot Wheels?

So much stupid here

Because it’s Florida!

For once an amusing Florida Man story

Someone please explain to me, how do we know so suddenly who is going to chair what committee? I dont know how this works.

Ah the joys of body computers.

So the cats have escaped guilt on another assassination attempt

My mind is already made up so I will be listening to old Car Talk podcasts. 

The worst, no, thats a Lada, but its a close second.

2nd Gear, oh that is going to end well without dedicated lanes.