
Another warning sign, If I’m dating them odds are they qualify. I seem to attract them.

Who knew Texas Goodwill excepts Boas?

They already have flames for the shots

Maybe it has to do with you using it as inteneded and not abusing it by letting any joe schmo ride it extensively? 

I’m thinking Lime is just trying to fan te flames to shift blame.

An accident you say? When was the last time he threw the ball only not to really throw it? Maybe it was revenge.

Ive noticed that the Jeep Community, anytime they get to use thier toys for good and have fun doing it, they are more then helpful.

So they let all the magic smoke out.

Something oddly soothing about watching that

“Better debate” ?!?!?!? Does Jack even read what is on twitter?

I think electric drivetrains are going to save classic cars.

The Hair Band would have known?

Back when I was told that we didnt have google, nor the internet, and our remotes had wires.

I was taught not to leave a car battery on cement, I dont remember why now. I always put a battery on something, wood or a milk crate.

The cats did it.

DeDe was not a major character, i am very disapointed. Jay’s dog gets more air time then she ever did. 

And just how is this supposed to be a small and affordable alternative to the F150 ?

And damn proud of it

Hell no