
I came here for this

I never liked Roroy he seemed to be a car snob, but he did fit in the cast type. They are getting away from the regular bloke and going far too much for the pretty guy.

Quite a few European cars had them too.

I thought the soloflex was 

I thought the soloflex was 

So its winter, its going to get cold and snow, that’s why its called winter.

That looks like it will wrinkle my shirts

That looks like it will wrinkle my shirts

Technically its a shooting brake no?  :)

Now with owners manuals being software based no one will ever read them.

“So I here you want to unionize Dave, I’m afraid I cant let you do that”

We need to look in his closet

They cant even operate the owners manual!

Its not like he has ever taken flight before, no sir 

Wow man my tentacles look like fingers ....

Mail order meat, what can go wrong?

Mail order meat, what can go wrong?

How is this any different then selling shares in  the company, aside from getting around all those mean nasty regulations


I would still buy it

After I stopped laughing I noticed how ugly it is. A throw back to future cars made in the 60's?

Once again proving no one reads the owners manual