
So a Michigan car that was never washed.

Flying cars you say ..... hrmmm

I just sold all my Ford stock. It has treated me well over the years, but if all they are becoming is a truck company (SUVs etc) I’m out

Can you imagine? Even they have their standards. She can only do a goose step

That I never thought of

Rosanne Barr going to Israel will never happen.

Make up your freaking minds, one week we shouldnt next week we should, thank god alchohol is still good for me in small amounts.... wait, what?

But every movie and TV show that takes place after the apocalypse looks like they raided a fetish leather store 

Exactly, as his kids put him in some ill begotten Nursing Home in NJ staffed by immigrant nurses

They made an electric car! But man six AA cells per motor, 2304 motors, I dont think even Costco is going to help you out

Im a big fan of a stroke myself

Auto Tariffs simple, we have the EU FORCE its citizens to buy American cars. They can set up some sort of pre-payment plan, perhaps a coupon book where every month they apy towards a car, wait this sounds familiar ...

Russia does new technology oh so well ... not.

Flying cars would scare the hell out of me. People can barely drive now. They would wreak havoc near airports

I bet it was a white guy, anyone else would have been shot

Im sure it will shake apart

What is with people?

Me too!

Maybe he wants to be disbarred to escape Trump?

Why am I still pending? It was last years comment.