
Its a Anti-tailgating feature.

The phone should be gone. Period.

The wheels are ugly

5th gear - All they need are robots striking and setting things on fire.

My neighbor (God rest his soul) Owned Capri Pizza here in Nassau County NY. He had a fleet of customized beetles for pizza delivery in the 1960's.

We badly need entry level stripper cars in all segments. Otherwise cars will just get unaffordable.

Its almost a flying car!

So basically dont by the Fuel Cut Off Kit from them.

I didnt think of that. I just googled it and they have an opt-out system.

So I can text my freinds “OMG YOUR GONNA DIE” ?

Even so, it seems like “Oh we had a pair of lungs laying around” is what the article gives the feeling of.

Something seems off, as that not just a subtle operation. One doesnt just get body parts out of inventory or off the street.

Your going to need a bigger house.

I just spent a small fortune at the Lego Store. I shall wait.

There’s a good joke in there someplace

When does Lucy come out screaming “OH RICKYYYYYYYYYYYYYY”

Or they could have found a much more serious problem via the surgery.