Go Hawkeyes

Unless I start wearing a shirt that says I’m vaccinated I’m going to still wear a mask.  And I’m going to assume anyone not wearing a mask is a Trumper worried about their ‘freedumbs’ more than stopping a deadly pandemic.  Not that you really need the absence of a mask to easily point those idiots out anyway.

It did. A regular one and a deep one! I just put it to use too tearing apart the front end of my son’s Buick Lucerne because he forgot how to drive and hit someone else.

I tried this once by starting with a cheap set of steak knives.  I never got past the Craftsman socket set I worked up to.  Because it was hard fucking work actually trading for higher value items.  Plus I put the socket set to good use.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but get your liberal greeny bullshit out of here.  I want lazy wireless charging.

Simple GMail Notes sounds awesome.  But I’m forced to use Outlook for work.  Is there anything like it as an add-on to Outlook?

Not true! Just checked my plan and they are a medical device covered at 90%.

Had me until the price. I’m not positive because my old def ass still refuses to go get my hearing checked, but I’m betting my Cadillac health care plan would make getting hearing aids from an audiologist cheaper.

/laughs in midwestern-cheap-land-ish


Bbut muh freedumbs!

But ma freedumbs!

I am sorely depressed now that none of my cars have a USB port on the mirror. That’s just genius.

How many feet of sea level rise to we need to completely engulf Mar-a-Lago?  Let’s reach that goal and then stop.

That doesn’t work so well for classic or older cars where NADA may say it’s only worth $5k but the market is dictating $15k.  That’s what makes LightStream great.  As long as you have great credit you can get a great rate on what is essentially an unsecured personal loan.

LightStream is super easy to work with and their rates are pretty decent.

How dare you elude to the fact that farm subsidies are welfare.

“Old White Man in Position of Power Has No Idea What He’s Talking About” - News at 11

I’m going to have to disagree.  IP is what gives me a large paycheck.

Sorry Google, if the app ends up stopping to function I’m just going to switch streaming providers. It’s much easier and cheaper to do that than switch hardware.  Been thinking of paying more for AT&T TV anyway so I can get regional sports networks again.

100% this. I just have two requests for the next movie. 1) an even longer runway scene. And 2) an even higher number of scantily clad gorgeous women hanging around not such great looking guys because they have ridiculous looking cars.