Go Hawkeyes

I’m never going to get that Amazon package.

Yeah it was total sarcasm Captain Oblivious.

Because it’s all fake and done on the same stage that the moon landing was done on. They just added a red tint to the camera lens now. Duh.

You must be fun at parties.

Just a year less?  You would have been in diapers anyway.

Most likely a MAGAt

But mah freedumbs!!!1

Had Trump still been in charge he would have demanded the response be that it’s a real word that means something and it wasn’t an inadvertent tweet by a child.  Like Covfefe.

Am I the only one who would rather just have a slightly thicker overall phone than a stupid camera bump?  Just use the extra space for more storage and a larger battery.

That’s why I said like it or not.  I don’t think it’s necessarily right.  Everyone deserves a living wage.  But given our free market economy and the rich being the people in power this is the direction we are heading.

Like it or not, this is what happens when you demand $15/hr for mindless skill-less work.

Having been to Taizhou for work I would set myself on fire just for having to live there.

Everyone knows you just overnight parts from Japan when you need them.

Everyone knows you just overnight parts from Japan when you need them.

I read elsewhere that there will be new economic sanctions placed on Russia and Iran.

Nah, you gotta.  It was cool looking crash.  RIP people who perished.


Thanks for the video of death and destruction on this fine Tuesday morning.

As a 10 year resident of Missouri I can tell you that you hit the fucking nail square on the head with that statement.

Speaking of loose bolts; if you happen to drive a 2002 Malibu and it happens to still have the original right rear brake assembly you may want to get it checked. I did a short 4 month stint at a factory assembling those for Chevy and I wasn’t exactly clean at the time.