Go Hawkeyes

I live in semi-rural Missouri and can confirm that things have not changed here.  People aren’t hanging nooses or wearing swastikas but the slurs are in heavy use and the confederate flags fly like crazy.  If it weren’t for my job I’d move.

“You’re an idiot if you leak photos. BTW, send us your leaks!”

The last big screen I bought (before my yet to be delivered most recent purchase) was basically just a dumb panel with a shitty speaker. I loved that it didn’t have any smart features as I use a Roku to cover that need and I use a good Onkyo receiver and speakers for audio.

Most of my family are Trump supporters.  I keep wishing they fall under number three.  But deep down I know it’s actually number 2.

Dentists grown in anguish as a key customer base dies off.


I got my first digital camera in like 1998, but it wasn’t the Game Boy.  I think my first phone with a camera was in 2002 and even then it was an attachment, not built into the phone!

It’s not noon yet.

Everyone knows wings add horsepower.  Now it just needs some stickers and it’ll really be fast.

user name checks out

Must not have been in Minnesota.  Everyone knows the ice is thick enough there this time of year to drive a stretch limo onto it to introduce yourself to your hockey team.

As a fellow data scientist, I applaud her efforts and dedication to the truth of the numbers.

I believe you’d get your ass kicked saying something like that.

Anybody who wants to follow Biden’s Twitter probably isn’t currently following @POTUS anyway. And anyone who is currently following @POTUS likely doesn’t want to keep following it when Biden takes over.  Probably for the best that it starts fresh.  Weed out the trash.

I have an 8th gen NUC that I use as my Plex server. I may need to upgrade.  Well, need is a strong word.  Want is more appropriate.

I have them in half the rooms in my house and love them. The other half of the rooms I went with Lutron smart switches instead because the lights weren’t easily replaceable with Hue bulbs.

Wait a minute. My naivete is going to show a bit here but the OK hand gesture is a symbol of white supremacy now?  I thought it was just a hand gesture teenage boys flashed and then if their friends looked at it they get to hit them.

mY rEbeL fLaG WiLL SaVe mE!!!?!

Yeah I see a MoDOT message board almost every day on I-29.

Not necessarily. They are a risk to others in the vehicle; and in a very freak accident could become an ejected projectile and hit a bystander.