I had to google that and it appears those are the headphones that the main characters use on Pitch Perfect. Guess they most know something lol
I had to google that and it appears those are the headphones that the main characters use on Pitch Perfect. Guess they most know something lol
While some kids sleep, others keep going!
Wow, this was a really well-done article! It’s fun how I caught myself blaming them at the beginning of the article and was rooting for them at the end!! Lol Well done Erin!
A child actor still, he can work on his craft. I just see potential in him, but like everybody that grows up in front of the cameras, people are going to have polarized opinions about them.
Totally agree! This guy is stylish as all hell and is not afraid to take chances. I really don’t care about his personality as some people do, he is rich and whatever bad and good comes with that, he is free to be whatever the hell he wants and is unfazed by his popularity rating. He can only get better at acting…
Lol I saw the same thing but in reverse in a supermarket, the ‘kids’ were a bit more gothic and the guy that was on a chain was down and depress as most gothic kids are.
More like Burning Man vibe
And I was going to say Nickelodeon.
I didn’t think it was going to be that bad reading the excuses. It’s worst than what I imagine and I’m questioning the kids intelligence (kids can be imaginative if they don’t want to do something) or if the mother is enabling these kinds of behaviour... or even worst! She doesn’t even have a kid!!
The ultimate joke about all of these is just to ignore your own Greed! Just keep enough to solve your immediate problem and give away the rest. There is no point in arguing with what’s logical. Even the other family will understand.
If anything, these recaps have turned me on to GoT so much more than any advertisement or word of mouth by friends ever did!
I’m a fan of your gif choices!!!
The entire album is so good! I think this album is definitely better than the one before it. The hooks, the lyrics, her voice! They are all coming together to this amazing solid album, loving it.
Oh Gawg!
Baby shaming? Really!
So with the parents approval, the barber did a job. And he did a great job! that kid is going to get laughed at for a while. Whatever he did, I'm sure he will not do it again, and so he just earned his 15 minutes in the spotlight. NEXT!!!!
Sooooo Everybody wins and Everybody loses?!
Devil's Advocate: But what if the aliens are just like us?
Love it!