
Marussia's reaction to the news.

Kimi's reaction to the news.

I guess this is a good enough time to post this again.

I just follow the oil trail to find my BMW.


If your BAC reads like an area code, you're gonna have a bad time.

Precisely that. Some are rated in CC's others in cubic inches. It only applies to positive displacement blowers. Centrifugals (and turbo's since they use the same style of compressor) are rated differently since they or not linear in regards to airflow vs. RPM vs. pressure.

Please ...


Looks to be 10 drives. So that would be 3TB drives in a RAID 6 most likely. I supposed it could be 9 in a RAID5 and an online spare.

this wins all the votes.

The couch.

shut up dummy...you didn't even read the damned story

Tell me, how's your literacy?

I seem to recall facing a similar challenge in January. I considered all the options and still believe this is the best choice:

Jumping to the conclusion that they intentionally don't release a vaccine because they want to sell you a more costly treatment implies a conspiracy exists. Maybe you meant to say market forces push them to work on a treatment instead of a vaccine, but then why use the phrase "intentionally didn't release the vaccine"

Think you should rephrase that to: 'Short answer - first world countries weren't threatened by it before' - still might not be accurate, but more so than your sentence which has a racist tone behind it.

Your statement contradicts itself. Your short answer states that its because of race but then your longer statement lists the actual reason, that it is financial. Its because they are poor, not just that they are not white.

your tinfoil beanie needs another layer, the corporations can see your thoughts and are zooming in now

Who buys something like that anyway. Whoooo could it be?!?