
Wheatus are great.

That is quackery.

What straight up lies do you imagine were included in that penultimate episode?

JLD definitely improved with age. She is one of the hottest women who were ever a cast member, but not while she was a cast member.

I am saying there was no homophobic intent. You can believe what you want to believe.

you must be under 30 and keep a clean mouth

Which is not what he did at all. Using the gay F word as an insult does not necessarily mean you believe it's bad to be gay. However, it is a hurtful word regardless and casual usage that way is offensive to many, so he's right for doing waht he's doing, but there's nothing here to suggest he is in any way a

Ixnay is very good and Americana is all right. It's after that they really lost it.

Historically always been, gay or straight, that whoever is performing fellatio on the other is in the inferior position. it's a way of saying you are less than me and asserting dominance.

No it wouldn't.

It's a character or is the boundary between reality and fiction confusing to you?

But this is so not-PR damage control.

Amends? WTF are you looking for?

Try listening to the show some time and not the BS you may have read elsewhere.

All the shows he's been on were booked long ago. The timing this video release coincided with the start of his promotional tour and so he's been forced to address it.

These were all the same day and were scheduled promotions for 22 Jump Street. Because of the timing he was forced to address the story. I believe he's handling it admirably.

He didn't, but he understands that the word itself is offensive to some.

Same with Springsteen.

Now this one is in competition for me as well as I didn't like it the first time I heard it and it was more annoying on each additional listen.

WTF is that?