
Again, ignorance is never worthy of pride.

I would say ignorance is never something to be proud of, whether its of good or evil. It's not always something to be ashamed of if the subject matter is too esoteric or too repulsive, but pride in ignorance should simply not exist.

I actually enjoyed the Fountainhead, but I was 16 when I read it and I saw it as being more about integrity than a capitalist manifesto.

Sunshine, Bleed the Freak, and Love, Hate, Love are all phenomenal

One thing I should clarify is that I am not sure what you are counting as AIC output. I was stopping with the S/T album. Haven't listened to any of the Cantrell only AIC stuff. Given that caveat, the only album that is arguably worse is the s/t album.

Yes. Obviously, there are those who disagree, but back when I was 23 and this album came out everyone was sort of lukewarm about it. I believe it is their least interesting album. I could understand an argument for the S/T album being the worst, but let's face it, the only options for best are Facelift or Dirt.

Different people like different things, but I do not know any AIC fans who think highly of this album.

No offense intended,

I may be alone, but I believe this is the best comedy in Fox's Tuesday night lineup. I guess I have always valued laughs most of all in my sitcoms. Newsradio is still my favorite live-action sitcom of all time.

Jar of Flies is probably their weakest effort. Sap was the much better acoustic CD.

Regardless of how much can be attributed to the current quality. Between the 90's and now, the way people watch TV has fundamentally changed. That's a much larger factor than current episodes not being as good.

I have mainly dealt with patents. I just hoe they weren't seeking damages.

They have a right to protect their trademark and NBC should cease and desist using it (assuming they have a trademark claim is valid), but 'devastating and irreparable' is a bit over the top.

The 4th season was the show's peak in my mind and this episode is arguably the best episode, That is not to say that I thought it was bad after this. I have never disliked a season of the Simpsons. I would say it hit it's nadir around the 13th season or so, but always still worth watching. However, there were so

The 4th season was the show's peak in my mind and this episode is arguably the best episode, That is not to say that I thought it was bad after this. I have never disliked a season of the Simpsons. I would say it hit it's nadir around the 13th season or so, but always still worth watching. However, there were so

Absolutely. If I were asked who was the hottest SNL player ever at any point before or after their stint on SNL it would be a toss-up between JLD and Sarah Silverman (and Sarah was only ever featured so, if it's limited to full cast members then JLD hands down). When she was on show she never looked quite as good

Again, the actor died. That's a real world fact.

I watched it at the time as well. It was definitely in the string of post-Seinfeld's recognition sitcoms (albeit a particularly good one)

I was liking Outsourced better than the Office the season it was on.

It's a stupid basis but 100% accurate.