
Bart's an impulsive boy and if you had been watching the show from the beginning was entirely in character in Diggs. Also, they monorail episode (one of the top ten of all time) was the first time the elastic reality broke. And that was Season 4.

Actually, if you go back and watch the first two seasons, Bart was not the focus of the show itself. He was very quickly the focus of the merchandising and advertisements, but not the show. The show tended to vary the focus from Simpson to Simpson each week before broadening out into supporting characters in later

I was born in 1970 and I loved Rocko's modern Life. One of the great cartoons of the 90's

Oh to find and have those original DFC's. I wish that guy had never met Bill Keane.

You mean possibly right, don't you?

Except this "train wreck" gets a lot of viewers, not Chuck Lorre numbers, but respectable.

Whitney was screwed by the one-two punch of

Seriously, "Island In The Sun"?!? Like it, but that's way more saccharine.

Oh, please, that woman was asking for it! Seriously, she was heckling. If you heckle, there is absolutely nothing that is over the line that can be said to you.

Actually, I could see Johnny Depp doing a great Nick.

I enjoyed all the films, but agree there were diminishing returns with each installment.

I must see this.

Like Aykroyd's Carter and Chase's Ford, whom looked nothing like the people they were impersonating, I believe you have to imagine the baby body based upon the moves of the character.

Actually, the other band members were not people he hired. They were all working producers who had been together in a band in the 80's called Firetown that disbanded. They got back together and decided they needed a lead singer and hired Shirley Mansion (after Butch or the band saw her band Angelfish's video the one

While I generally agree with the argument of this article the following "when a woman says no, the
conversation’s over." is not exactly true in the real world. I know lots of real world examples that suggest otherwise. Now, the sort of repeated straight on gestures absolutely should stop (at least for some time and

So glad to read the reviewer's opinion of the JC novels. I read the Elric books that came out in the 70's or early 80's (with the grey covers) in HS and enjoyed them. But after reading a lot about Moorcock and the reverence given him, I tried reading the JC novels. I read the first two and got halfway through the

So glad to read the reviewer's opinion of the JC novels. I read the Elric books that came out in the 70's or early 80's (with the grey covers) in HS and enjoyed them. But after reading a lot about Moorcock and the reverence given him, I tried reading the JC novels. I read the first two and got halfway through the

The ending did not rely upon a global population of psychics. It relied upon at least one psychic and a number of psychically sensitive people. Further, they had established that genetic engineering was much more advanced through, for example, Ozy's cats.

Because the original show was directionless and after the first season was one of the stupidest shows on.

Outsourced was not bad. It wasn't a classic by any stretch, but it could be very funny at times.