
My thought exactly. The difference is what?

I would say Jesse knew exactly where to hit him. He pushed Walt's buttons so that he would not be thinking. I found it very believable given how emotional Walt is.

"do what you want and then expect others to save you when you lose other people's money."

Leno's primetime show had a lot to do with that

Give him a voice that's not simply a reaction to Holmes.

I wouldn't call any part of Sherlock 'deep'. As far as breaking new ground, I haven't seen anything of the sort.

I was with you until the opening cermonies, which I thought were good. I would n ot generalize Moffat's shortcomings to the Brits.

Elementary appears to be more character driven rather than plot driven. You could argue that large swaths of Buffy was proceedural.

I like Sherlock and do not watch Elementary, but Sherlock is not "multi-layered", nor is it particularly insightful. I also like Moffat's Dr. Who, but Sherlock is mostly style over substance with at least one mediocre episode (or 1/3 the season) per season..

Depends upon what you mean by intelligent, it's witty but it is certainly more disposable and has less depth than Elementary.

Like a lot of Moffat stuff, Sherlock is entertaining, has smart dialog, and emotional twists which can tend toward the manipulative. However, the smarter, more complex show is Elementary.

I know AA and 12 steps work for some and even atheists like Roger Ebert believed in it, but it was started by a christian to convert the weak in our society. AA's track record for helping people is not substantially better than people whom get sober without it.

Perhaps based solely on looks, but her character has always been a total C***.


But they know Paul's solo stuff? Get real. Actually, I was ironically amused by an old Billy Crystal joke in the early 80's. He mentioned talking to his daughter about the Beatles and her exclaiming "Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings?" - I was 13 and it was the first time I had ever heard of Wings, but I

I've seen those. They are hardly convincing. And I say this as a huge Morrison fan who loves the Invisibles.

But it was also about feeling in control as the review said.

(1) No
(2) Yes.

Just like actual in memoriam videos, the clapping missed a number of great shows focusing on popularity rather than quality.

It's at the climactic scene near the very end where everyone wakes up as Donnie gets hit by the engine