
Certainly neck and neck for best vacation film along with the first one..

I am not sure what may have changed, but Fox shows always used to be on HULU, just with an 8 day delay. They also are and always have been available On Demand on TWC.

He created libraries and funds for widows and orphans. He supported public education. Those all qualify as "[belief] that the federal government's purpose was to help people." to quote yourself.

I would say is voice is somewhat unique, which is not to say it's the best voice, there are certainly many better. However, many of the singer's you mention are a bit more interchangeable.

I believe Andy was quoting or paraphrasing.  I have seen the exact quite attribute to Wilde, and I have seen a a similar quote - "mediocre artists copy, great artists steal" -  attributed to Picasso.

Have not watched yet, so there obviously may be more to it, but being upset at spoilers for something that came out more than two years ago is being a jerk.  Get over it. 

I am not sure who you are and what your background is, but in my experience growing up in upstate NY, this is exactly how normal guys would react in this situation. 

That New Radicals song is one of the worst sings ever.  I hope the cover is particularly transformative.

That New Radicals song is one of the worst ever recorded.  I hope the cover is very transformative.