Lew Alcinder Block

I doubt Kobe had anything to do with it. He hasn’t been anywhere near the paint in years. 

this is the most scientific observation i’ve ever read in my entire life. thank you for your exhaustive study based upon perceptions, anecdotes, and bullshit.

Quick research: She does.

Typically in an article like this it would be useful to include info such as where F91 Dudelange is based, who their opponent was, which player was kicked, etc. etc.

“And don’t get me started about how many of them ended up battered.”

“It’s not fair! Colonel Sanders was always manhandling breasts and slobbering over thighs, and no one made him sign confidential settlements with the chicks involved.”

Well I can tell you that the congestion at American International Airport is a real bitch. 

Seems like a bad decision for a guy who now plays in a glass house.

Walk into the ocean forever you awful trash man.

When people talk about how “service sector jobs aren’t meant to be careers”, what’s the solution to all the adults who have to work them anyway? Bootstraps? Certain industries with job-shortages aside, there’s still not enough white collar or skilled trade “career jobs” to go around.

Under the Affordable Care Act, which Papa John vociferously and publicly opposed, large businesses are required to give all their full-time employees health insurance. It doesn’t matter if a job is meant to be a career job or not, and it’s utterly insane to suggest that only people in “career jobs” deserve health

Subject: You’re a pee drinking moron.

Extremely on the other hand, I very much look forward to a Sunday in December 2022 when I can watch three World Cup soccer matches, a slate of football games with playoff implications, and generally meaningless basketball and hockey games while ignoring my relatives and loved ones.

Nah, c’mon. Two players landing pocket kings in the same hand where a third dude lands pocket aces is just unlikely as hell.

More like, ‘They’re Going Home’, am I ri-”

Worse. They’re going to make him play 16 games for the Bills.

So he name-dropped the only good cops out there? I don’t see a problem here.