
Damn - I wish you the best.

oooh! A Ro/Ro full of Tesla’s roasting. That would be spectacular.

This is how you end up with all new vehicles costing twice as much as they do currently.

This raises the all-important question of which ships Ferraris are transported on. I feel at minimum fair warning should be given to those who might ship their cars on the same boat, not to mention combat pay for the crews. Of course their self-immolating tendencies are legendary, but not without recent instances or

Mercedes-Benz passenger cars made by Daimler AG.

Purely guessing here, but I bet that Boeing may have to actually demonstrate exactly what will happen as part of certification. Also:

The Flex is the right choice here. It’s a little weird, hugely practical, freakishly fun for what you think it should be, not super common, and can be had in strange-ish colors.

I have the best taste. Everybody is saying that. In fact, some people say that I have better taste than anyone ever.

In his defense I 100% agree with the idea that EVERY car has at least one thing its good at. It may be that its good at being cheap, it may be that its very practical, it may be that you can’t be bothered to wonder what the drivers “business” is. So in that sense, sure...go Captiva! In isolation its actually a miracle

I’m with you. Drive them until it becomes really impractical or unsafe to drive them AND the costs to bring them back to acceptable form are just too much. I’m currently ride is an ‘08 Mazda 3 with a stick and almost 170k on the odometer.

Back to the “I can just TELL when I’m speeding” discussion, which is bad and dumb. Fact is, most people can’t just “feel” 40 mph vs 50 mph.

He’ll probably get grilled for it.

I agree it’s funny, but I’d encourage making it a magnet and only affixing to your ride when going to or coming from your local Coyote and Crowds events.

A little on the nose, isn’t it?

Because they have a population of over 81,000,000 people that would love to have the opportunity to buy our products and services? Because a non-hostile Iran is much, much better than an openly hostile Iran? Because they have a ton of oil, and hold great influence over the global supply and price?

No, this was destined since Trump won. He has been quite clear on his plan to undo anything Obama did, and continuing with the Iran deal would be an indirect admission Obama had done something worthwhile. And neither Trump nor his base can suffer such an idea.

You really shouldn’t have to force quit that often. It’s only for when an app isn’t behaving properly. It does not save battery.