...electric power plants don’t run on oil, that would be horribly inefficient. Now natural gas...
...electric power plants don’t run on oil, that would be horribly inefficient. Now natural gas...
You love it when people are mauled? I mean, I’m with you about leaving wild animals alone, I just don’t love hearing about people being mauled. It’s a pretty shitty way to die.
Turned the phone horizontally?
“due in part to the company’s disclosure that it has experienced a “severe” shortfall in production of 100-kWh battery packs.”
Fuck this guy. If he wants, he can lube himself with diesel before I put my foot up his ass.
So is the abbreviation for XBox One X just going to be XBOX?
Fuck religious zealots.
As someone who works with software engineers on a regular basis, none of this nomenclature is surprising, nor is it a big deal. That said, changing it because of the inevitable optics backlash from people who don’t understand that stuff like this is common terminology is a smart move, and it probably shouldn’t have…
“Man punches man whose job is to punch other men”
If you just want to see unionized workers make excuses for why black people deserve to be killed, we already have police unions.
Such a dumb thing to be worried about. Its not a Made In China Rip-Off Android tablet that’s stuck to the dash....
What a bunch of whiny little pissbags everyone is being. Look, if you don’t like it, CANCEL YOUR DEPOSIT.
I would say electrical failure will make things far worse than no speedo in a new Tesla.
I’m not terribly optimistic either, but swappable batteries would solve this issue. batteries get swapped upon pulling into the gate with fresh charged ones. Batteries get cycled out as they lose range.