
Trump invited her the day after her husband died. trump approved this mission without reading the briefing, obama read it and hadnt approved it because he wasn’t convinced. Not sure about this bit but apparently trump gave it the nod while he was eating his dinner.

Fuck Trump. Can’t wait until my contract is up in 14 months, so I can run for the fucking hills....That is if I don’t die on some damned foolish Crusade during this Kuwait deployment I leave for tomorrow.😂

Guys, i’m starting to think that electing a reality TV star with 5 military deferments to command one of the world’s largest armed forces may not have been the best idea.

Hello folks. I see you’re having fun with my error of miles when I clearly meant feet. I made the necessary correction. Thank you for noticing.

Oh please. At least the draft dodgers and draft-card burners were honest and open about their opposition to the war. He’s a fucking coward who hid behind his money.

I’m well aware and so is he.

Sent this to my youngest. He’s going in in May to be a cav sniper. I’m super proud and scared to death all at once.

Parachutes are horribly expensive. It takes one silkworm 2,500 hours to make enough silk for just one ‘chute. At $15/hour, that’s $37,500 per parachute.

Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.

Cut off the vehicle to get into the middle lane, then proceeded to cut off the cop to get into the left lane.

Air strikes are not so much a factor in Ukraine, yet. Russia can send unregistered tanks and troops without identifying uniforms, but Ukraine would have a field day with a Su-34 shot down over their territory. Anyway the AA systems in the area are too good for either side to fly around contested territory freely.

Basically, Ukraine is alone to fight one of the most powerful militaries in the world.

Even IT cannot come to terms with a Trump presidency. It is just going to chill in space and wait the next 4 years out. Smart!

The only reason for using a B-2 as Air Force One would be to drop the President on a target.


Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.

My daughter was considering following my footsteps and joining the Marines pre-election.

I’d say we just elected one, but then I noticed that you said ‘intelligent.’

I know people who have been driving for decades and still have no idea what they’re doing. These same people insist they are the greatest drivers. The won’t accept being in an autonomous vehicle until it can scroll “I AM 1337! I AM TEH BEST!!!1!!!” across its screen while cutting across 3 lanes of traffic with no