
What do you mean, fake? The rocket existed, it stood there on the launch stand for months, and they launched it. It took off, people saw it taking off, there’s video of the launch from dozens of different angles, and the rocket flew for about eight minutes total. We even have radar imagery of the debris clouds after

I love his YouTube channel, he's both entertaining and very informative. 

I really liked the Scott Manley walk-through too.

Yeah, some kind of macafee thing.

Much better this time though. Made it to space, and didn’t blow up and scatter a bunch of debris over south Texas. 

They didn’t get the re-entry data from a fully successful flight, but much better than last time!

Going boom twice (or more!) is not unusual when flying a brand new rocket, btw. The Saturn V and Space Shuttle were essentially anomalies when they flew successfully on the very first launch attempt.

“You do not know anything until you have practiced.” ~ Richard P. Feynman

It was always planned to be a sub-orbital launch so nothing bad there. Seemed like a very successful test with a ton of progress being made from the first launch. I am encouraged that Muskrat was nowhere to be seen. The faster SpaceX and Tesla can divest from that idiot the better.

What a beautiful, gorgeous test flight! Everything seemed to work almost perfectly up to staging — at least much, much better than generally expected. I suspect hot-staging may have some impact on whatever went wrong with the booster burnback, and maybe whatever caused the FTS to terminate the ship after MECO ... but

Vast improvement over the first attempt on basically all fronts. All engines lit, and burned cleanly - didn’t watch the official stream because it was only available on Nazi-Elon’s tweeter - and some of the footage broadcast by NSF looks pretty friggin amazing.

Newsom is pointing fingers elsewhere but at least some of the responsibility lies with the state.  No private entity should have been leased space under the fucking freeway.  

I am not a tax professional, but I think it’s this. They have an immediate and pressing cash flow problem. Although they would stand to make more money if they released the film, that would require additional outlays in the form of marketing and other costs. That extra expenditure may be difficult, so instead they

Yeah, its estimated to have cost somewhere between $60 to $80 million. Can’t this movie make more than $30 million at the box office + home video + streaming? What am I missing here?

They took a $30M writeoff on something that definitely cost them more than $30M. I just don’t see how this is financially responsible...

IMHO the only hope for H2 to actually work is to be in pair with nuclear, nuclear is the way... our only hope.. if only more citizens were to educate themselves in the advantages of this one. 

This is an incredible waste of money. Green H2 is nothing but a way to convert renewable electricity into half as much renewable electricity. Blue H2, or any color made from methane, just support a leaky natural gas infrastructure and various ways of cheating by Big Fossil. Hydrogen is extremely expensive and

The hubs are likely to be a combination of old fossil fuel facilities and new buildings that will house electrolyzer plants.

When it is burned through a fuel cell

Yep, last year I bought a basic (round dial old school) set by GE after seeing nightmares of the high efficiency smart W&Ds friends had (clothes didn’t get clean, control panel display crapped out, etc.). As long as the washer gives me four water levels and four temp control options and the dryer gives me a few temp