
About 10 years ago I inherited my parents 1976 Maytag washing machine. It’s still working fine and to the best of my knowledge never been repaired. My daughter in laws 4 year old Samsung washing machine had a fault code show up on it’s screen. It turned out to be a bad vibration sensor,available only in a set of four

Several years ago we replaced our washer and our dryer. The new ones came with wireless so we could “remotely” monitor the washing and drying. Why? WTF!

I avoid modem/router combo units like the plague, as having a separate modem and router is much more versatile. They don’t necessarily have to be in the same room, so if your cable outlet location is less than optimal, you can put the router in a better location and run Ethernet between them.

I am in the Major Home Appliance Industry for 42 years now, 19 as a service technician and 23 as a technical trainer to service companies. I have worked with manufacturers from Aga to GE to Samsung. So trust me when I tell you this;

Everybody has missiles. Even hyper-sonic ones. The U.S. says it doesn’t have hyper-sonic missiles. Don’t believe it for a second.

If shooting starts, China may be a match for the U.S.”

Did it ever occur to you that maybe there isn’t some big decided-upon “view” on EVs and these journalists are just calling it like they see it and sometimes where these sites end up is just above or below what you personally think and therefore you feel like certain sites are particularly pro or anti EV?

As a pedestrian, I‘ve literally never had an issue with vehicles turning right on red. That's because I'm an intelligent human being who understands that it's important to make eye contact with the driver of that vehicle, or otherwise ensure that they are clearly not going to start moving when I step in front of them.

Nah, leave it up to local municipalities to make their call. I’ve had countless hours of my life wasted yearly due to having to wait at intersections at red lights where absolutely zero cars passed through the intersection for the entirety of the light cylce as I was waiting for green. I’d add ban the bs left turn

I have not seen any confirmation for this yet but there was some talk that the drogue parachute never opened or didn’t fully open but the main still held together. I noticed this when watching the live feed. According to the telemetry the drogue was supposed to be out but you couldn’t see it. It also landed early

The only good Barney story:  Day of the Barney, which I originally read attached to the Barneystein mod for the original Wolfenstein.

No, no, please god no...

Holy f*ck, how bad of a reporter are you?
A 30 second internet search gives you this:

Not that I’m a fan of Musk, but I’d throw it out there that of all his ventures, Starlink is the most useful and practical. So I see no reason to hope for its demise. Not only can Starlink provide communication access to remote and rural areas that are not serviced by big cable, it is becoming the standard for

You would be surprised as how many companies (and shareholders) think 3% profit is a good number. When a company gets 7%, they are drinking Champagne!

You realize tons of communities around the world depend on Starlink for their internet access, right?

Starlink is part of SpaceX, it’s not like Musky has one independent company subsidizing his other independent company. Your comment is like saying “Ford should clearly have higher margins considering they have the benefit of Ford building the trucks for them ‘at cost’ “

it’s never going to be a huge market compared to wired broadband.”

You’d be amazed at how much of the world is not wired for broadband.

Profitable at least, although it’s never going to be a huge market compared to wired broadband. There’s a lot of potential competition coming in that space, with Kuiper, OneWeb, a proposed EU LEO constellation, and now a Chinese LEO constellation coming online sometime in the next ten years (although Musk has a big