
I dunno, while I hate slideshows (especially without any commentary), I was probably more interested into who came in last than who came in first.

It’s a pretty obscure airframe. You’ve probably never flown in it.

I assumed he was wearing the prosthetics under his pants, that Stark had just used his nano-watsits at some point during the blip to make his friend something slim-fitting. I thought someone somewhere had mentioned that they could see lights through the cloth, but I didn’t see that during a quick step-through of

It’s a Friday afternoon and Nikki wanted to cut out early to start her weekend.

Artisanal Airlines. Travel, Individually Decanted.

1. Delta Airlines

I’ve commented this before on other slideshows, but just posting the results with no commentary is comically lazy. At least if there were some input from the author on the rankings, this wouldn’t feel like such a mandated piece from on high.

2) Much of New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Kansas, Arkansas

Oh, it’s fine to say Musk is an asshole. He is. My point is, SpaceX is operating the same as it always has. And before people disliked Musk, every write-up was in praise of SpaceX. And now, with SpaceX taking the same risks, doing the same “test early, test often, try new things” approach it always did, because people

Uhh, this is in Texas?

Oh, if Musk hadn’t bought Twitter, this article would have never been written. People are completely unable to separate their feelings about the owner of the company and things that company does. Before Musk was hated, everything SpaceX did was amazing. Now, the same engineers are still working there, making

thousands of gallons

I’m NOT a Musk defender, but I hate this line: “Should’ve Built in the First Place”

They tried something new. It failed, and didn’t cost them anything. This was a useful experiment.

Similarly, with Lin Manuel Miranda doing all the music and every movie needing its own “Let It Go,” they’ve started to all sound the same, too. Makes me miss the days of Brother Bear where they’d take risks even if they didn’t pay off.

Gray type on a black field is very difficult to read.

One thing about engineers... We never need to hear, “You were right.”

I mean, people are interested. You’re here, reading and commenting on it. You and others like you are the reason this is a revenue generating story.

At least if the sub imploded they’d be killed so quickly they’d be dead before even their brains had time to register what was happening. They’d be instant chunky marinara sauce

The video you shared was the guy (who’s name is Clive) joking around and making a “Scottish MRE” and making a fake ration heater. I only know this because I watched this video ages ago.

To be fair, the bottom several 1000 feet (perhaps even bottom 10000 feet) of that deep borehole have closed up due to forces deep underground.