
STILL? I’ve been waiting YEARS for a bottle. Lol...

I’m think that SpaceX was thinking “We’re going to have to develop one of these anyway - and if NASA wants to subsidize it some, that’s fine - we’ll make up the difference.

Optimistic that they’re probably going to get more money to ‘fix’ this problem that shouldn’t have occurred in the first place?

Or “Murder, She Wrote”.

Are they fixed, or cost-plus?

Problem is whether or not Boeing CAN deliver. I’m afraid that they’ve decided that minimal effort on a contract they can milk for years with no real result may be their most lucrative path.

“Don’t define me by my trauma!” They insist, as they define themselves by their trauma.  

I’ve seen this before. It didn’t go well...

The time to bail to a new job is always before where you are crashes. Everything you describe makes me think that unless something changes drastically, Gawker’s just going to suck every bit of blood it can out of the franchise and workers.

Use the exact same enclosure from 2005? (Looks at 6th system board in system from 1998.) Yep. Holes might not line up exactly on the system board (well, it was a cheap case) but it’s doing the job.

Sell it to some tribe.  Turn it into ‘native owned land’ and there ya go - a nice, shiny floaty rustbucket of a casino.  

Hey, consultants have to earn money SOMEHOW...

Or a VERY interesting and unusual Saturday night in Florida.

“Also, please watch your language. Everything you type is being broadcast live around the world.”

All (good) jokes aside, I’m thinking that this is another ‘hobby’ for Bezos, like BO. He’s promised engines to ULA, and so far they’re way overdue.

Commuter checks watch. “Ah, there’s the Tuesday 3:15. Right on schedule.”

“...the fact that it’s very hard for abuse victims to leave their situations...”

“And the way you flip your head. Poser.”

“... no one seems particularly bothered by an APC tearing up cars and buildings throughout Budapest.”

I look on it as an alternate universe scenario, where the laws of physics are more ‘suggestions’ and vague hints, and the normal bell curve of human physiology and ‘durability’ goes quite a ways beyond our normal framework here. Of course, that means for an outlier on the right of the curve, there’s someone who’s