
“... if our nation invested in better transit, it wouldn’t have to be.”

I’m hoping this won’t be an ME type update.  THAT one sucked.

I’m thinking this will probably be a non-free update.  Gotta keep the money flowing in...

Makes as much sense as anything else we’ve seen on it. Wife and son felt a bit crappy for a few days - but then again they got it about two months after that dinner with friends, and I had my first shot in May, about 5 months after the dinner, so...?

That’s odd. I remember stories out of the UK a few weeks back... well, never mind. I’m really starting to think that a lot of  the reporting on all this has severe gaps and a fair amount of made up shit, and not much in the way of solid info. Teasing out what’s real and what isn’t has been a constant problem.

Are they still essentially under house arrest? There’s been some decent evidence that Vitamin D levels do influence severity of cases, and the UK’s climate isn’t one to inspire sunbathing. Maybe low levels do increase susceptibility...

That seems to be changing - now they’re thinking natural immunity will last longer... but we’ll just have to wait and see.

Don’t forget folks who’ve had it and are immune, or the folks who were exposed and their immune systems just said “We ain’t havin’ this shit around here” and killed it before there were any symptoms at all. Or the folks who weren’t even susceptible in the first place. (If you take a look at the Diamond Princess

You even have any idea what the numbers are now? Or what they have been? I’ve been following this shit since last March, using and  - logging each day’s difference.  Yeah,

If it weren’t for political clickbait, there’s a good chance that Gawker media would die.  

Yeah, he ‘wanted to pay more tax’. Funny how he didn’t write a check and toss it at

And with our convoluted tax code, I’m pretty sure that Musk isn’t using Turbo-Tax.

Wonderful.  We’ve seen this movie, we know what comes next.

And that’s fine. There’s no game than EVERYONE likes. I’ve got about 1200 hours in this - and rarely lack for things to do. Lately I’ve been making paths between mountain peaks, or building bases at the tops of needle spires in between pirate hunting.  This game scratches an itch I didn’t even know I had, lol.

This is a game you’ve got to be patient while playing. Especially if you do any sort of resource farming - you aren’t going to get a million units of Activated Indium without building a large base, and it takes TIME to harvest that much.

And harvest and sell storm crystals.  

I understand. There’s no one game that grabs everyone. That’s why I’m glad there’s such a variety out there.

The worst that can happen is carnivores or derelicts, if you take them on.”

The point of life is to game.

Can’t say I’ve had that experience. The game updates, and you just continue playing the same save with new effects.