
Didn’t know this was happening (because I’m not paying attention) but this is good.

This will probably be unpopular, but target shooting is a great flow activity, at least for me.

Extra props for

Hot take: mobile gaming is stupid.

Alright, I'll say it. Why the fuck was this guy allowed to have a gun? He literally had a criminal record of violence towards others.

In Russia, bus doesn't miss you.

Is there a breeze at speed?

The actual ads are really annoying, especially on mobile. The auto playing video with sound for Delta basically make me only read articles on my home network with a Pi Hole.

The actual ads are really annoying, especially on mobile. The auto playing video with sound for Delta basically make

I’ve been doing this with AC: Odyssey although this past weekend I played practically all day on Sunday.

I see your point. It’s probable that it doesn’t actually get asked by my team leader every time and I only remember the times where the answer was a shrug.

I’m surprised at the lack of interest in outside interests. I’m involved in hiring in the sense that I’m part of a small team and we all interview candidates. We always ask about hobbies. Doesn’t matter what they are as long as they exist. Someone without a hobby is someone without passion.

So....improve recycling processes also? Fix the problem at both ends.

Well, not to be pedantic, but I have been using the same metal water bottle for 10 years. Your tone and approach make it really hard to hear the content of what you’re saying, WHICH IS VALID. People should try to use less plastic. It can’t be discussed without noting that we can also recycle plastic. We can probably

Are you paid by Big Tap Water or something? I would generally agree that most tap water is probably fine but you can’t ignore the fact that there plenty of places in this country in which the tap water is bad for you. My tap water is well water, I grew up drinking well water. I find municipal water to taste pretty

You’ve heard of Flint, Michigan right? Lots of tap water that’s pretty bad.

Rather have it (and know how to use it) and not need it than the other way around.

This Jew is packing heat.

Probably an unhealthy amount of Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey.

That argument doesn't even track....

The best part of the birther claims is that his birthplace is not relevant. It wouldn’t have mattered if Obama had been born in Kenya. His mother was an American citizen so he was an American citizen. Ted Cruz was actually born in Canada and it didn’t matter for him. It’s like, at least think it through, you ignorant