
It’s like in the Qu’ran, marriages between family members (i.e., cousins) is highly discouraged. In practise, among the poorer and more traditional, there are many cousin marriages because they feel that the family can intervene if there are disagreements, and this way, the resources remain in the family, as well.

Or just writers who reread their work.

Definitely not my experience. It was really hippie-crunchy-vaguely-Buddhist practitioners with progressive ideals. Then again, this essentially describes much of the population of the Bay Area in the 60's — 80's.

It’s the principal who’s insane. 

This piece also made me super-happy. She dedicated her life to him, and was the one to find his body when he died — because she was checking on him, all the time. And then he cut her and two of his children out of his will. She’s an awesome and wonderful human being: full of piss and vinegar in all the best ways.

I have worked in alternative/complementary medicine, and it used to be that those of us in this arena were progressives fighting against a medical tradition that dismissed women and people of color — and offered no quarter for ideas that are now mainstream (bodywork for trauma, diet impacts health, etc.). And now, it

Whatever works is good! I like Terry Gross, too. At times, she can be a little oblivious but she really disappears into the interview and doesn’t grandstand -- a rarity. And she also is a font of knowledge on an amazing array of subjects. ♡

I need to start drinking. And vacuuming. :) 

Rilke! About psychoanalysis. And it really has depths of truth to it. 

Welcome to 2021. 

Fauci wept. 

Good luck to you, and thank you for the sensitive and finely honed message. I am certain many will see themselves in your position, as well. The aspect of social media is one I had not considered. Jezebel is the closest I come to social media and so I have been spared the hashtags and idealized existences. That sounds


Yes; the article I read was totally off and I apologise for having repeated the false narrative. I should have done better research.

Take care of yourself. Keep hydrated and rest as much as you need. Hope you feel better in the morning. Sleep is the best thing ❤︎

Thank you, yes! It is so true that clutter cannot be organized and must be released. All the same, cleaning is far more arduous than it was thirty years ago when we lived in the age of ignorance and waste. Back then, we just threw it all out.

Okay, so I have the weirdest thing to report. Often Friday evenings, I find myself cleaning with a huge burst of (pre-weekend?) energy. Perhaps we are not alone? Or is it the residual energy from youth — when Friday night meant socializing? Because I’m a zombie when I come home from work Monday through Thursday, and

Now, I’m down a rabbit hole (instead of cleaning, natch). She’s wonderful! http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com