
Is this dude wearing a bra?

I haven't seen one of these on the road since my early 20s. Would love to have one to do a 2.0 boxer swap on one.

I disagree...I got plenty of lovin' in my little luv. Of course I was quite a bit more limber back in the day.

The '01 was rated at 200hp and the 95 was 190hp. I liked both styles as well but I tend to lean towards the 4th gen more.

I've had 2 ,a 95 4ws si and an 01' SH. I loved both of them. Both were very peppy and handled like they were on rails and I would love to see another generation. To make it what every other 'Lude owner has dreamed of it should be a rwd with a bangin' 4cyl and the option of a 6cyl. They COULD make a monster with a vtec

Four also. Microwave, Coffee maker, car stereo and car clock. Everything else is automated.

There are a couple products out there for this. My Dad got this system installed on his '01 Silverado.

XJ's are awesome, but I like my ZJ. The best of both worlds. Off road capability with all the luxury accouterments.

Coronal ejections as well as mass ejections are common. There are probably measurements or prerequisites to be classified as mass ejections. At 200k miles this might qualify.


Ok, fair enough hypothesis. Although everyone including Law enforcement thinks the bikers were indeed already attacking the RR. so if "you are in clear danger say if one of the guys pulls a gun or tries to smash the window" would you say Lien was in the right to do anything he could to protect his family?

Here's one that should have made the list.

By fahh thah best respahhnse evahh.

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Loved my hypercolor tshirt, although they were a bit thick so they were best suited as a winter tee.

Although I agree with your sentiment wholeheartedly, your grammar and word use just hurts my eyes. I would think most of the people that frequent tech blogs would have some semblance of an education. Hate me if you want, just venting what I'm sure many of us are thinking.