
Either the funeral home is transporting the body Mitt Romney “coffin on the roof” style or they’re using the XT5 exclusively for ferrying dead children and young teens to the graveyard. It’s not as big as you think back there. I own one. No way my casket fits without a stretch.

There’s a Starbucks north of the wall. It’s right next to the Menard’s where the army of the dead got those giant chains.

The good people of Williamstown Kentucky built a replica of Noah’s Ark. They got a ton of money and tax incentives to do it. It... ummm... it hasn’t done well.

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Wasn’t there talk of building a replica of the Nordschleife in Nevada that included public access? There are TONS of car enthusiasts in this country - especially in California. A trip around an 11 mile toll track with limited access and no speed limit? Sign me up.

Illinois requires a front plate and for years I never mounted mine. I have friends who refuse to put their cars on as well. All of us have been cited for not having it in place, but I’ve never heard of anyone being pulled over specifically for that reason.

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This movie had some great moments that haunt my memory - especially Martin Lawrence making the aluminum bat sound.

My step-brother tried this in the 80s and got away with it for a few semesters. He didn’t use the money to seed a successful business. He took a job serving food at TGI Friday’s and used the tuition cash to party with most of it going up his nose and out his hose. Since then he’s fathered a kid and gone to jail for

When it comes to the Miata, $6200 savings for a new one is a lot to think about. I haven’t looked closely at either model year, but Miatas have a healthy aftermarket for power and suspension mods. If you’re happy with the 2018 model and features, buy it and enjoy the discount. You can always bank the savings and add

no. No. NO! Women can be just as disgusting as men. I had a roommate years back in Colorado - let’s call her Kira - that luuuuved her dog, but would forget to come home and walk him. I can only guess that she expected us to do it, but she never once asked us for help in that regard. Either she did this without

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Speaking of shitty roommates, this is what happens when you steal wifi that you didn’t pay for and skateboard in the halls after repeatedly told not to. You get evicted into the hands of western governments seeking to put you on trial for espionage and rape. BTW, I love that hermit’s beard. So fitting. The guy was

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I had a roommate in college my sophomore year. He played the Rocky Horror Picture Show’s “Time Warp” repeatedly. Apparently this was his thing. His freshman roommate complained, so he started wearing headphones - which is nice - but at a volume so loud that you could still hear when you were trying to study.

SMH. Look, I’m all for urban improvement and making cities walkable, but I lived in New Orleans. Removing the I-10 deletes the only major freeway through the city, which means any traffic that needs to go through the town now has to do it on surface streets, some of which predate the Republic. They’re cramped, made

Picking up and moving to a less expensive locale is a great way to save money, assuming you can find work that pays as well. Labor costs in a tier 3 city like Seattle are far higher than they’d be in a sub-Tier 7 city like Cedar Rapids. Housing prices and rental rates will reflect this. It’s nice that you can retain

That may be so. I never thought of the Miata as a pumpkin spice anything, but they are popular for a reason. I hope Cam and his wife enjoy turning wrenches. Nothing says turnkey reliability like a “Triumph.” And God help them if they need parts for that Honda Beat.

There is no anonymity with DNA. A serial killer was found with familial DNA in the database provided to the FBI. All you’d have for anonymity is an “unnamed living person” who is related to a known person by some lineage. It doesn’t take long for the FBI to fill in that blank.

Anyone here ever see the movie Gattaca? This is how it starts. Yeah, yeah - I know it’s science fiction but at one time smartphones and space travel were science fiction. We’re on the cusp of colonizing Mars now. NASA is now partnering with private space companies to lift objects into orbit.

I’m more surprised Palin doesn’t have her own reality TV show by now, actually. That’s bound to happen at some point, right?

Years ago, gas stations had a cash and a credit price for gasoline. I’m not sure how this was resolved, but everyone now pays the same price with cash or credit. My guess is they built the credit fees into the price of the product. Restaurants should do the same.

I live in Chicago and sometimes drive to visit my brother and his family in Atlanta. It’s a little out of the way, but I always leave Atlanta driving north on 400 toward Knoxville. I always go on a weekday. Not much traffic up there and the car and motorcycle clubs aren’t crowding the place. If I get stuck behind a

She might be a victim, but I doubt it. I don’t see how she wouldn’t know about being admitted as an athlete. If she was told to fake “being stupid” to get additional time to take the college boards, that’s another clue. (Students with documented learning disabilities can request this)