
This should be on their damn logo. Stopped there in Gurnee, IL after a trip to Six Flags a decade ago. Threw up everything when I got home because I didn’t heed this unwritten warning.

The last small town general store I stepped in did not have any open food anywhere to speak of. No kitchen. Just self-serve coffee and soda machines and prepackaged everything else. If NYC can have bodega cats, I don’t see the harm here.

Additionally, those rogue spectators will be taken to task—likely by removing from the area and delivered to the Toro’s gates at Pamplona just before the running.

I recognize a lot of the mod pieces on that car. The leather skins for the center console, radio surround and gauge cluster are from Redlinegoods. I wrote the installation guide for those parts. The HVAC panel is ArtWorksDewa. AWD stuff is hard to find these days. Revlimiter has taken up the mantle of AWD - especially

I actually forgot to include something; The glass top I bought from Robbins eliminated the need to unzip. The window was slightly smaller, but totally worth it for the convenience.

Torch, I have a first gen Miata. The plastic rear window was tolerable and mine lasted a decade. Some care and attention is necessary to keep them clear. That being said, you’re not wrong. I replaced my top with a Robbins sunfast canvas and glass rear window and I’ll never do plastic again. 

Not true. While the NA Miata did have a plastic window the telltale fold in the plastic indicated that the owner was too lazy (or ignorant) to bother unzipping it. The window laid flat on the deck with the top dropped. Snap on the boot and the window was protected from dust and debris.

Now playing

Literally everything about Donald Trump, the man, is a forgery, a facsimile or a veneer designed to convince you that he’s something he’s not. Does he “Tell it like it is” or is he merely an asshole? Is his marriage a sham, a financial arrangement or do they genuinely have affection for each other? Is he a great deal

Okaaaaay. In your effort to defend this “style” you want to call a “genre”, you just proved MY point. “Small niche” means “a relative few people like it.” In other words, it’s not mainstream. That’s okay. I don’t hate it. People can do what they want with their money. Freedom of expression doesn’t mean freedom from

This is good to know. If it’s the blood of zombies on halloween, fine. But if you have to explain it on the other 364 days, it’s dumb - just like every joke that requires an explanation.

A blood spattered vinyl wrap is a less direct reference than a klan robe, but you’re entitled to that opinion. All bigots are assholes, but not all assholes are bigots. For example, anyone who wears a shirt that says “I do alpha male shit” is certainly an asshole.

Ya think?

Now playing

On car paint? Sure. On nazis? Never. Money doesn’t buy good taste. And the taste put into this attempt at a new trend is criminally poor.

Fine. You get a pass on halloween. That’s a lot of cash to blow on a one day gag. And if you’re going down the World War Z dystopian rabbit-hole, there are better ways to look prepared. Blood spattered battle cars might play better if there’s a walking dead reference on somewhere on the vinyl wrap. https://jalopnik.com

There is no other conclusion to draw. But I did like the Range Rover, which was done up specifically for halloween, so that guy gets a pass. On halloween.

What. The. Fuck? Did... Did the designer of this garbage watch the Charlottesville nazi running people down in his Challenger and get inspired? There’s no such thing as slaughterhouse chic.

The seller isn’t going to recoup a dime for the wood trim and chrome bits. Another commenter said the pricing is where it should be given the condition and mileage, so the only real trick is finding a buyer who likes the value the look of all the plastic “luxury” accoutrements and wants a subcompact. The thing is

Just finished writing a reply that says this.

I dated a lot before I got married. My wife and I hit it off right from the very beginning. The good part of going on so many dates, as maddening as that can be when you’re interested in a relationship, is the experience you build up reading social cues. After enough time, you really can tell when someone’s interest

Man, you just beat me to it. Have a star.