
And, IIRC, the show never, ever went to Egypt. You’d have thought they might have made the trek just to see where all their helmet-design decisions came from.

Well there’s your problem right there.

I am writing a story about a man who has an angel in his armoire, how that came to pass, and how he learned of The Other Animal Control.

That was disappointing. Sam wasn’t much like Sam at all. He sounded like Animal’s college-educated brother and had almost no attitude. A proper Sam would have come across like a Ted Knight character. This Sam seemed confused and almost senile.

I notice they don’t show the colostomy bags they burst open or the little kids they made cry or the containers of breast milk taken from nursing mothers or the stuff on their “it’s okay” list they confiscated anyhow or the people they detained in their holding rooms until they missed their flight because that person

I just want him to finish the trilogy some time this decade. I figure 10 years is long enough to finish three books unless you’re J.R.R. Tolkien.

Indeed. The Nazis loved Christianity so much its leaders tried to crate a brand new Nazi version of it and imprisoned thousands of ministers and priests.

On the East side, Nazi policies have become pretty normalized, and white Christian straight people have a “pretty nice” life.

Last random thought: I wonder if part of Pilcher’s reason to tell Ethan everything was so no one would believe or trust him. As Sheriff everyone will think he was now one of Them (like Kate) or think he was crazy (like Theresa).

1) Was I the only one creeped out by the aggressive sex talk to a bunch of kids who are, per Chad Hodge, 14 or 15 years old? Creepy Hypno-Teacher is pushing sex on a classroom of high-school freshmen and at least one of them is as eager as a Lohan.

What’s interesting is only 4 out of the 11 issues presented were scientific in nature. When “should” or “favors” appears, we’re out of the realm of science and into the realm of politics, and we can pretty much just treat scientists as another subset of the population.

It’s neither one. It’s a really cool and clever exercise in explaining complicated things simply — a skill we should all do our best to develop.

“As news site Vox explains,...”

How your child is schooled is your job and your responsibility. If you think the test is a good thing for your child, go ahead. If you think the test isn’t good for your child, hold them back.

What's cool is that river border continues all the way the the mouth of the river. South of Washington, DC, the Potomac River belongs entirely to Maryland. Back in the day, that was the source of quite a bit of violence between MD and VA watermen which not only caused the formation of the oldest state police agency in

No job is beneath you. Work the job(s) you can get to pay your bills until you get the job you want.

They're not.

There are several HUGE problems with this article, but this is, by miles, the biggest one.

You and me both. Knew it was coming soon but still...man.