
All of them, because I love talking books with folks who also love books.



He looks like a purple version of "Batman and Robin's" Mr. Freeze.


So, I can just ask women to make sure I don't die early of cancer?

Lack of freedom.

First up, the Goatman. Legend tells the half-man, half-goat creature was once a scientist at the nearby Beltsville (MD, a suburb of Washington, DC) agricultural research facility. One of his experiments went terribly wrong and turned him into the now-fabled Goatman, more beast than human, but possessed with a great

This is pretty much why entertainment writers should entertain. They tend toward the truly ham-handed when they delve into political screeds.

Can't. I'm holding back from buying anything Rothfuss until he gets his third book out. He's the author that finally tipped me into the position where I'll never buy any part of a trilogy until I can buy every part.

"A brand new Player's Guide safely separates Red clearance rules from those things players are not meant to know."

It's not. And yes, there has been voter fraud as well as voter registration fraud. If you value your vote, you want clean registrations with reasonable ID requirements. That way your vote gets its full value.

The DC map is pretty cool, and if very nearly went far enough out to get where I live!

This guy right here.

Humans have a real need to explore, to push back the frontiers. If we don't explore, we stagnate. We get petty, mean, and small. That's the real reason to explore space.

Exactly. Right now the criminals are pretty conventional. Even Cobblepott is looking pretty conventional, if not just a little bit nuts. Over time, though, the crazy will go all the way to 11 and Gordon won't have conventional criminals on his hands. Then, he'll need The Batman.

I'm going to go with 3 books to which I return quite a lot, for various reasons.

Holy cow, you're singing my tune.

I've owned ICONS since (I believe) its first incarnation. It's a pretty little game that'll get you saving the universe (or your chunk of The City) in very little time. And you'll have a blast with it.

What kind of achievements are you after? (Not being contentious. Genuinely interested in what you envision happening if we'd all live in that particular way.)