
Raleigh Beckett (after two Jaegers are disabled by a Kaiju EMP): "Gypsy's analog! Nuclear!"

Not terribly.

Well, that's not too inflammatory and hate-mongery.

A really solid summation, SJ. Thank you!

Interestingly enough, there is no unanimity of opinion on the death penalty among religious conservatives.

I'd ask here if you know what the mainstream conservative position is on those issues and from what line of reasoning that position flowed.

Any credit given to the battle between Del Toro and distributor that effectively hamstrung the pre-release marketing? I know PR's...err...PR wasn't nearly what Godzilla got.

Hrothgrar the Slayer, whatever you do, DON'T BACK UP.

Who are you to judge my urine?

The Doctored Death of the Island (Chemtrails, MiBs, a dead island...)

I think maybe the Tree of Wool would be less impressive an instrument of punishment. The itchiness would get annoying, though.

Rob Bricken, contemplate your post on the Tree of Woe.

I remember hearing the second-season showrunner talk about this on a podcast a while back. He went to the guy who headed up the first season's writing and asked him what the intended resolution was and the guy basically shrugged. He was less than happy.

I *really* want there to be a throwaway scene with a J-Pop singing duo...

Christopher Nolan's streak continues.

I call shenanigans. No chance a Stormtrooper will throw a first-pitch strike.

What's interesting is I have a very similar response to cherry-picked data and alarmists.

Behold the giant, burning, mumbling, growling, fiery Eye of Sauron.

So, you're saying Godzilla is totally plausible?

Unsurprisingly, it's teenagers and people in their 20s, but there's also a second surge of people skipping songs again starting in their 40s. Why?