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    The Americanized Let the Right One In is crap, but The Office? Really? I see people beating on it endlessly and really have to ask why.

    That's the new George W. Bush-class space shuttle.

    One keyboard to pwn them all,

    "The One Game To Play On the 4th of July"

    Rome: Total War gave me a crash-course in the geography and peoples of the ancient world.

    It depends. I don't think that Godzilla or The Last Samurai are anywhere even close to Letters From Iwo Jima, which is a fantastic movie in its own right and one of the better examples of Eastwood's directing. It's also one of the only western interpretations of the Japanese side of the war, which is worth watching

    You saw the name, I see. It's a conscious, self-reflecting nudge at the personal hypocrisy inherent in all human beings, the paradox of power gained, corruption of ideals, mass interpretation, and the old adage "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter".

    As someone who's been on both sides of the line you mention above, I think it's important to keep in mind that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. When I played competitive hockey full-time I was the 6' 2" product of a long line of Celtic (Irish, English, Scottish, Northumbrian) soldiers, farmers, and

    The problem with said people is that the qualities that they're basing their equality on are limited and limiting. In these circumstances, nobody talks about how women are generally better in social circumstances than men, that they're generally more understanding and patient, how they're better at "outside-the-box"

    The guy's a beast.

    Indeed. As a former competitive ice hockey player, I appreciate the wrestling sentiment. I studied a number of eastern martial arts and some MMA-based grappling and kickboxing in my time, both as hockey training and for self-defense in the Canadian mountain town where I grew up.

    Meh. It's still valid. I've played games and sports and if I had to pick which took more physical and mental effort I'd pick sports any day of the week.

    But they didn't explicitly state everything. They did the "Well, we're thinking about it" bullshit-dance that's been cropping up in these borderline-offensive cases lately and tried to justify their behaviour by saying that chess does it too.

    And I'm saying that, in a way, they are. Also, that the Olympic analogy really doesn't apply here since these games are tests of memory and acquired skill, not physical capability.

    Police! Police! This man's rights are being infringed on! Put a restraining order on all the feminist genderqueers are attacking his universal God-given masculine rights! Help! Help!

    Amen. You know what they say about pictures and thousands of words ...

    Are men generally stronger than women? Generally speaking yes. Is there a reason for that? Yes, there is. It's presumptuous to think that millions of years of genetic hardcoding suddenly doesn't matter.

    In broad, generalized terms.

    I agree. It requires skill and a certain discipline and commitment, no question. But come on. I've played games and sports since I was a kid, and would never pretend that the two merged.

    Have they explicitly stated that they're making a female Finnish Hearthstone tournament? Have they taken that step? No? No, they sure as hell haven't.