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    In repetition, maybe. But it's not very credible to not get that kind of response from someone who's just killed someone with their bare hands.

    I thought the next two were definite improvements across the board. And Red Dead Redemption has some absolutely phenomenal writing, courtesy of Dan Houser.

    There are sites where you can watch that, but you have to be at least 19 to enter.

    Meh. It's fun to see a truly unhinged character sometimes. The only predictable quality about him was that he'd do some completely ludicrous and unpredictable, which made him generally enjoyable (in measured doses).

    What can I say? I don't hate (or even dislike) a lot of stuff. But trailer-voice guy just rubs me the wrong way. No idea why.

    Short answer: yes.

    Ideally none. If marketing wasn't so ham-fisted and the audience majority could find it in themselves to focus on the screen more, we wouldn't need overwrought Michael Bay-trailer nonsense in a ton of trailers that don't need it.

    Neither, actually. The virtual representation I've chosen is a self-referential recognition of personal imperfection, popular appearance, and the paradox of certain approaches to life.

    Dislike in general isn't a very rational thing; as is trying to rationalize and compartmentalize the dislikes of others. You made a choice responding to my comment, and I made a choice complaining about studio pseudo-marketing involvement in my program.

    From the studio that brought you 'Honey Boo Boo Child' ... comes a riveting story of hope in which a family of simple, obese Americans ... make fart noises and unplanned pregnancy jokes ... that will move you to tears ... of laughter.

    Because I don't need Mr. Allegedly-Epic-Voiced telling me that every time I start Breaking Bad or what have you. It has the subtlety and sophistication of a jackhammer.

    And the voice. It's not a perfect rendition of the trailer guy, but the point comes across well. It's funny because of how stupid this kind of trailer will look in a decade or two (and how stupid it already looks).

    They're funny because of how close they are to the real thing.

    Another summer sale.

    Another summer sale.

    Depending on which way the Community's Choice goes, Origins could be available for $7.50 sometimes today. Either way I'm sure it'll come up.

    Depending on which way the Community's Choice goes, Origins could be available for $7.50 sometimes today. Either way

    They'll probably do an encore wrap-up at the end of the sale. Be patient and vigilant; I'm sure it'll come back around again.

    They'll probably do an encore wrap-up at the end of the sale. Be patient and vigilant; I'm sure it'll come back

    That's correct, on both counts. But bilateral validity doesn't cause one side to cancel the other. Ubisoft is allowed to justify its actions, and feel that they're right, and I'm allowed to disagree with the ultimate outcome, and feel that I'm right.

    Fair points all. My original comment's point was that, while there's nothing wrong with casual games or cooking sets, metaphorically or otherwise, my experience with games and products in general marketed specifically at girls and women can be quite limiting.

    I understand, and wasn't losing my shit on you so much as (albeit tersely) reminding you that even a comment made with the best of intentions can come across as offensive.

    I was simply begging the question: "Is one enough?"