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    I became a mercenary for an African warlord to pay for last year's sales.

    Why not both? You can wave your fist and call Valve "The devil!" all day long, but that doesn't make it so. Both Steam and GOG are doing some great things for PC gaming in general, and are worthy of our time and money.

    As the archer (can't remember his name) tells Arya in the show: don't aim. Like pistol point-shooting, the trick is to develop your hand-eye coordination and familiarity with the bow to the point where you don't need to sight or adjust for distance (most of the time).

    I got my first bow when I was seven, and can say that with most bows it comes down to regular practice, discipline, and a solid dose of upper body strength in the right places. The aimless arrow problem can be fixed with a steadying forefinger and good posture.

    Max Payne 3 is the third-person shooter in my mind. Fluid, responsive, and hard-as-nails. The fact that they didn't just take the stuff they own (incredible, expensive animations and all) and just tweak it for Grand Theft Auto is one of the great mysteries of our time.

    It's a definite improvement for me. Less stuttering in car chases, LoD heavy stuff, cutscenes, and general environment loading segments.

    I can confirm that it actually runs better with the mod installed.

    Many of us have already been there for years.

    It's a weak excuse on Ubisoft's part, and more than the "feminist bullshit" you've brushed it off as. If they don't want justified consumer backlash for lazy design choices, they should consider a) listening to what people actually want, and b) putting more time into their yearly game-splurge releases.

    That's the thing. Sweden has some phenomenal military tech, and some timeless classics (Carl Gustav recoilless rifle, anyone?), but not a whole lot of it stays in the armoury.

    Well, this is an accurate portrayal of Sweden's military.

    "... Getting my whole team to try and bum rush across the bridge, watching them all get blown to bits, and being the only person to get to the other side and win the map."

    In the socio-political sense the worst crime perpetuated by the Nazi regime was the way it lied to and exploited its own people, often in order to provoke said people into murdering or facilitating the murder of their neighbours. Modern examples of this include pre-genocide Rwanda, Iran, and North Korea.

    Except that they can, as mentioned some time above.

    In armistice terms, I totally agree. The inclusion of gunpowder ruined the melee a lot of the mechanics in my mind, and while the "killstreak" mechanic is showy and efficient, it makes combat super easy.

    Because your points are baseless counterpoints. You haven't said "Boadicea didn't exist as per common conception and here's why". In layman's terms: where are your Wikipedia links?

    It's a game; the things that the existing male assassins do are just as implausible as the things the hypothetical female assassins would do. By and large the games' aren't very credible, which doesn't mean that they can't be enjoyable.

    Show me the money. Refute my facts with proven facts, or consider your argument invalid.

    Where did I say he trusted him? Did you even read what I wrote?

    Boudica was a myth? Are you serious?