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    When was the last time you heard about a successful historical assassination, undertaken by one person, a trained professional who actually wanted to get away who didn't use deceit and guile?

    Not the Spartans. Not the Vikings. Not the Celts. Not the Roman Gladiatrixes.

    Someone didn't study the French Revolution.

    Read my other post. You're completely delusional.

    And your source for this is where, exactly?

    Not even, it's a borderline-offensive blanket statement. Therefore, a) you aren't hearing what you're saying, or b) your behaviour is that of a complete jag.

    Someone get this individual a beer.

    You hear the words coming out of your mouth, right?

    I think that your family's unfortunate past might have given you a slight, completely understandable bias. It's hard to empathize after that kind of ancestral experience.

    It had nothing to do with age, only inexperience. The guy sounded like the whiny fratboy he was supposed to be, which is fine if you're playing Keg Stand Simulator 2014. Not ideal if you're in the middle of a gunfight against psychotic pirates.

    If anything this is a testament to the flexibility and freedom of movement granted by Japanese Sengoku armour, even in modern recreated form. The range of motion granted by the armour is phenomenal.

    Boxes on boxes

    More often that not his voice was a nail in my brain. As a mass-meleeing uber-warrior he was completely implausible. He sounded younger than me, and I'm barely into my post-secondaries. The only way to play the game credibly in character terms is to take everything with a grain of salt and effectively go against the

    Again, grasping at straws. You're taking personal shots at my avatar, for heaven's sake. This isn't even an argument any more, as you seem unwilling or incapable to engage in meaningful dialogue.

    The avatar is a nod toward the old adage "One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist" and a personal acknowledgement of the imperfection of the modern world.

    And yet the stoic machete-wielding, no-name retired Marine/smuggler/Bulgarian paratrooper was still a better, more credible character than Jason "Frat Boy" Brody.

    And yet every unit of Rommel's Afrika Korps refused direct orders to kill Jews. And yet the Wermach was held by the SS as the greatest threat to Aryanism due to widespread refusal to participate in party-enforced genocide. And yet a large number of Wermach officers attempted to kill Hitler and depose the National

    Same. I don't think I'd ever seen a game where you could play as a retired Sikh naval officer-turned-mercenary hitman before then.

    "Tears on the mausoleum floors, blood stains the Colosseum doors, and propane and propane accessories."