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    Mark Meer did Commander Shepard a while back. Not a Hollywood celebrity per say, but he's certainly earned his share of geek cred.

    Well, I'll just go back to washing my pentagram in the blood of the innocent for GTA V PC and hope my Satanic chanting will be enough to appease the mighty Rockstar gods.

    This is actually pretty solid. Nicely done.

    Isn't he just great, folks? Let's give him a big hand.

    Indeed. Your lack of substance is hilarious.

    It's representative of a larger issue that's been present through (almost) all of Ubisoft's games, and the medium in general.

    I'm not just talking about the gang - I don't think I ever saw a single positive depiction in the entire game, which is saying something.

    That's true, no question. Sadly, the gender/race issues aren't the only issues in this particular game, much as we might wish it were otherwise. I'm no veteran game designer, but there are a lot of things I (and by the sounds of it others) would have done differently.

    It's true, though. The representation of the aforementioned "game minority" groups are pretty freaking abysmal in this game.

    It also doesn't seem to stop fleeing people very well. In Watch_Dogs, a 7.62 mm Kalashnikov round through the back of the kneecap seems to have the same effect as banging one's shin on the side of the tub.

    Because no criminal psychopath has cited "played cops and robbers as a child" in their suicide-by-SWAT note. I don't agree with Beck's idiocy, but I can understand the image violent games give the uninformed.

    Russia beat Germany by throwing bodies at it. Literally. Three Russian soldiers for every German who died on the way back to Berlin. That and the winter saved them from Hitler like it saved them from Napoleon.

    Part of the point, I think. As with Dark Souls, the developers were trying to give it a sense of difficulty and human frailty. Even though Geralt isn't totally human, he's still mortal. This is reflected not only in game mechanics but in the story and characters as well.

    Because in games you actually do a lot of the things on screen.

    'Sure, America is far from perfect in all manner of respects, but there isn't a single country today worthy of standing up to them in long-term open conflict outside of guerrilla action and brushfire wars.'

    The fact that this happened in the first place is a travesty. Where the f*ck were the parents?!

    Right. Nobody's arguing that guns aren't violence enablers, and anyone who is doesn't understand what they're made to do - kill and maim quickly and efficiently at range.

    Well, I'm happy I don't have to be their defense attorney.

    And yet, no matter your personal opinion, two 12 year-old girls carried out a premediated attempt on their friend's life because they thought a fictional horror character told them to.

    The alternative being? They went full Boy A on their own classmate.