Animal Mother

Yeah I always thought of myself as lazy not wanting to read all those subtitles but I found it pretty enjoyable with ZZ. I have heard many people preferring the subs and I can definitely see why. I can't help but think a lot is lost in translation as well, maybe even with the subs.

Yeah that was actually my thought as well.

none of those games can be activated on steam :( But on origin yes.

Here are the rest of the Amazon deals this week.


This just reminds me that they will never dub Turn A Gundam anymore :( Oh well i watched ZZ with subs and it wasn't bad.

I agree. Usually (usually being underlined) the editors pick pretty good articles to feature. I just don't think this one took into account the other possibilities and just immediately took the "im offended route". It seems like from reading it the author had to over examine to find it offensive in the first place.

Muuuuuust keep on moving aheaaaaad. No time for guesses follow my plans insteaaaaad


Good commercial, this is a pretty cool idea but you have to have have facebook BLEH!

wonder if radeon 6970's crossfired will run it......psych!!!! HAHA cant wait :D

Wait...who liked it because of the story? lol

yeah but the probelm was years ago and not a current matter. I might be wrong though.

Yeah this article directly applies to me. I see BF3 and Skyrim and now I'm building my first pc!! I can't wait to be a PC elitist!!!! YAY!

Yeah I think its available only in certain regions right now

This is what I use and it can be used for all of those.

I don't know about you guys, but I have always been deeply offended by flower. Cleaning shit up with flower pedals is just lying to the fans. Not possible.

Not much of an improvement...

That would be cool....but I can think of one better!!! The Hiaku Shiki!!!

I feel ya ebuch.....