Reset your phone, it will start downloading after that. Looks like there is high demand.
Hate it when strangers feel they can grab my pets without permission.
Ok, What I dont understand is why anybody is surprised that Deadspin would put out a bogus story like this. Deadspin is part of Gawker which is basically branch of the Democrat Party.…
Thank you very much, now I will never sleep !!!
Ok, this week is going down in history for the best headlines. But this one wins !!…
Yes, you're correct. That is why I said I hope she gets plenty of money to help her in her future medical needs and I hope the coaching staff gets fired.
Yes, she should sue everybody and get as much financial help for her future medical problems. But we have to ask ourselves at what point is an individual responsible for his own well being. I suppose she was over eighteen when this happened? Yes, I understand "Peer Pressure" and "wanting to fit in with a new team"…
I had an idea that since there is supposedly a shortage of pilots (manned and unmanned) would the airforce ever consider using veterans that were disabled in combat to fly unmanned aircraft?
They have a cloud storage system (either photobucket, icloud, dropbox, onedrive) that automatically loads all pictures to the cloud. Even if they delete the copy on the phone its still on the cloud.
In Florida you just have to have it inspected to get a title.
Is it gay for me to say that he has a nicer ass ???
We better get our new long range bomber force ready, because Obama's "Reset Button" with the Russians is not working out as planned.…
Notify your credit card company that you are traveling overseas.
None of these things is as gross as watching the Twilight trilogy while still sober.
Well you seem to say that just because Marijuana is being decriminalized people cant be addicted or be "Junkies". Alcohol is also legal and has probably caused harm to more people than any other drug.