
face down, ass up.. that's the way we like ta.. (nevermind)

what a dumbass.

another day, another new android phone from htc. carry on now.

@nbergseng: The Pre is hardly the end for Palm, genius. There is a reason HP just purchased them for 1.2bn. And no, not just so they can throw webOS on printers. There are credible rumors of killer Palm hardware to come by the end of this year and I've no reason to believe they won't be awesome.. just like the Pre

@telepheedian: no, Ares is more powerful than this, as it is geared toward actual programmers be they amateur or professional. "App Inventor" is geared towards, well, non-programmers who will inevitably add to an increasing amount of crap in the android marketplace.

so what company did Google buy in order to create this totally original music service?

dear google, stop trying to compete with EVERYTHING. getting kind of annoying. kthx.