Jesus Presley

That sucks, sorry to hear. You must be really tall for your knees to bend that much. My main problem is back bruises from bouncing around in the seat so much.

Go karts in real life are amazing. You feel everything so you can sharpen your reflexes instantly and just trip on adrenalin, and then you go home in your normal car on the highway going 70 and it feels like you’re going 30.

Tumblr has “changed the landscape of artistic discourse.”

I respect that so much.

Well yeah. Social media in one thing and one thing only : a broadcasting platform for self promotion.

Aaaahh yes, Poland.

So you’re selling the Beetle?

Surprised to see it’s based on the Aventador since it looks so much like a Huracan.

I don’t disagree with this take, however it seems that the speedrunning community wants records to be posted quickly because the next records are going to build on the last ones.

I don’t see how posting your world records prevents you from working on more of them?

Kinja is fucking garbage and when someone replies to you, their post doesn’t even show up anymore when you click the notification.

It’s akin to sandbagging. Instead of an incremental and sort of “Real time” organic progression of records, it’s sudden and demoralizing and considered a dick move.

Safety first.

“It’s not the same thing. For one your drawers are private (unless you’re saying you’d let anyone off of the street look in them)“

“His progressive politics and work on gameplay balance for Apex Legends characters like Wattson often led to squabbles and harassment on social media, some of which Kotaku has seen play out first-hand.”

Except these ex-Klan guys don’t tend to keep their full KKK regalia on public display after condemning their past conduct and beliefs.”

Video games are the only medium where depicting self-harm is fucked up or something?

Yes, that is correct. It’s unlikely to kill the cat but it’s a terrible idea. Interestingly enough, the video of her letting the cat lick vodka off her lips was only dug up after the “cat throwing” incident.

No that was someone else who grabbed her cat from the desk and dropped it back down to the floor over her head and children raised on anthropomorphic cartoon characters called it abuse.

The “it’s just a joke” defense doesn’t fly for most people anymore, and shouldn’t fly for her either.