Jesus Presley

I was going to ask if he knocked a chunk of fence or a chunk of wing but does it really matter?

I assumed so after the trip but as a helpless passenger in the moment, the Launchpad McQuack antics did not exactly “fly my plane.”

My front neighbor got his pilot license last year, bought a Piper Cherokee and I flew with him with his instructor for a few hours round trip. At some point his navigational skills were off so he was heading nearly 60 degrees off path for 5 minutes before the instructor chimed in essentially saying “You’ve been off

It’s hilarious that you can change the camber to ridiculous values. It’s 2006 all over again.

Brutal post, I’m starring this.

That was the longest sustained kegel I’ve ever done.

My BIL gifted me this cartridge for Christmas and I play it often. It’s pretty fucking hard but it’s a really good game and I have fond memories of it from childhood.

Maybe for safety reasons?

Mom I found a job. I’m gonna be a video game writer for a hugely popular website in NYC. You still have to pay my rent tho.

It’s what you do after work when someone walks by your cardboard box and seems worried.

Or because their names are Powerful Queen and Zillion Heir


There is nothing special or impressive about people blowing loads into one another.

Hahaha you’re 30 years old and you think the only thing separating streaming from being a job is a cubicle environment.

Sure, go ahead and give it a shot.

Let’s bring shields to our non violent protest.

Desert racing in general is a cesspool of conspiracy folks so not surprised to see adjacent series partaking.

The band Live is sponsoring the truck that’s awesome. I remember when 311 had their name on a car in Nascar.

That was outstanding.

Twitch is basically the neverending Woodstock ‘99 of the internet. Open the floodgates and half ass everything until the whole place is on fire.