Jesus Presley

Apart from pretty terrible twin stick controls on PC (that you eventually get used to) I’m not sure a remake is necessary. I played DS1 and 2 two years ago for the first time and I was blown away at how fucking good it still looks.

LOL reminds me of International Business Times banking on GTA5 rumors for years before it came out.

I’ve also been told by flat earthers to do some research. Which one should I prioritize?

I’m all over that shit.

Personally I’d like a little more trunk. I get that the Quattro was a hatchback but because the rear pillars on this prototype are so fucking thick, it makes my eyes look for a place for them to land gracefully but the car just ends there. It reminds me of that hideous BMW E36 compact thing. I think it looks good

Ah yes, the USA.

They barely tried....

That’s like saying “Movies are now porn?”

Wrong, the rebooted version is a Pachinko exclusive.

I don’t care about Pachinko, so no one should.

Now playing

In french Canada, celtic things are mostly hippies listening to upbeat violin music and spinning around in a t-pose like a medieval Cyberpunk 2077 dystopia.

Well the yoga pants spread eagle camel toe visuals certainly don’t help.

These hot tub streams are getting out of hand.

You uncultured heathens, last gen CP2077 was never meant to be a game, it was always supposed to be corporate digital performance art in the age of NFTs.

Redpilled gray comment about the SJW devs visibly spending way too much time modeling a detailed bottle of feminized soy milk in the environment instead of fixing game breaking bugs, because I’m an expert at who does what in a video game company.

“What I DO know.....and I’m speculating here.”

That’s the most distracting fucking thing I’ve ever seen god damn.

Thank you for letting me know about the amazing TipOfMyJoystick reddit. I had no idea this was a thing and I just helped two people find old PC games from the 90's. SUBBED.

This is going to be long because I enjoy this conversation. Feel free to add your own wall of text, I will read it and respond. I never TLDR.

It’s still kinda like that yeah. I only been playing for a week, but I’ve made about 40 system jumps and either you need a hazmat during day or night or both, or the planet is great but the sentinels are out of their minds, or it’s barren but the weather is nice. You need to compromise, and I do find that quite