Jennifer Mater

I wished Lieutenant Suzuki would of stuck around. That could of been a great mash up.

I think it's like the vampire dairies with Kathrine. Once your back. your back. he was on that by the way.

I'm really sad Lowell dead. But I kept trying to place him. I'm not caught up and didn't want to google it. Because looking up show's tends to spoil in.t Like I IMBD Mad Men after I first started watching and saw peggy was second billing. Spoiled it a bit. I think he was in Merlin. The BBC show.

way to miss the point. The cult people weren't into conducting human sacrifices that was tacked on as a cover. I have to wonder how different things would of gone down if liv would of just given her fellow zombie brains.

what about the 100?

The Awesomes is a good show.

I'm such a Olicity so I'm happy. Actually I've been putting off watching the last 3 episodes because I was so afraid that they would kill her off. Not one of the best episodes but at least my couple is happy for awhile.

O.k this is why I wait till the season ends and then watch it on Netlfix because of bullshit like this. I'm sorry She ends up with Fitz it was Huck doing all the killing. Please tell me Huck is dead because I can't deal with his rabid dog mood. Bring back charlie.

Colbert is a class act.

Huck is a rabid dog that needs to be put down. I'm hoping this season is building toward that fact.

Oh your not supposed to like him. He is the worst.

That's what he gets for killing his sweet daughter. Like yeah the weather changed for him but his men just lost it. You don't follow a crazy king.

…Well her dragon then.

It's so they can track her when shit goes down.

also can anyone tell me is this season all caught up with the books?

That witch took an interest in him from the beginning I'm hoping she'll bring him back…it's the least she could do.

Pretty sure their both alive. Bran fell from a higher height.

Unless your a cripple of some sort. The more shitty terrible person you are the longer you'll live. That is what I've gotten from this show.

If you think that's the last of Jon snow I doubt it. He just went on about zombies either he'll comeback a white walker or the red headed witch will bring him bake.

Thank you I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this. Bran fell from a higher post if I recall.